Tuesday, June 15, 2010



The side effect of hoarding includes confusion or overwhelming feeling due to too much stimuli, A feeling of congestion of thoughts, actions and emotions also often occurs.

There is a debate over whether hoarding is just a mental illness or a type of OCD. I believe it to be an emotional driven type of OCD.

Often those who hoard feel they will lose the memory that was attached to an object, or feel they are letting go of a part of themselves, or they may be deprived of it in the future because of giving it away, or feel guilty about wasting something.

Where to start?

I personally would nourish the myelin and adrenals (if you need help, fill out these questionnaires on this site -->
Thin Myelin
Liver Weakness
Adrenal Stress Analysis
….. But even when a person overcomes the cause of their OCD (for example, the myelin is now releasing enough neurotransmitters) they are then faced with the overwhelming task of tackling the mounds of residue left over from their condition.

Helpful hints:

If you have the money… There are professional organizers who do this for a fee. Friends can sometimes be commissioned for help. Family often are too emotionally involved and often invokes emotions which contributed to the problem in the first place.

These steps might help….

Do it is small spurts… 30 min a day or so many containers or bags a day..

Do common rooms first… One room at a time.

Put things in 3 piles.. One you have to definitely keep, One you can donate, and a Maybe pile It is sometimes easier to donate your stuff instead of putting them into the garbage.

After you have been through all the stuff…. Put the definite keepers way in their proper place, dropped off what you are going to donate….. Re-examine the Maybe pile.

Put the Maybe pile in a room and if you haven’t needed to find something in that pile in 6 months to just donate it all.

Hoarding is common… There are an estimated 3 million people who have suffer this affliction. My father had our basement filled to the max… Through a lot of conflict, my mother was able to make him confine it to there….. I have a dear friend who hoard and later became so constipated in her emotions and actions, that she lost her job, home, and finally freedom to live outside of an institution. So I know that being a pack rat can have devastating effects.

But in all of this, I believe working with the myelin is the first step.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Stress Protex

I venture to say most people feel stress daily. We live such a crazy lifestyle. I know personally it was hard for me to sit and watch a movie because I am use to multi taking and I was losing the ability to put my mind on only one track.

I am so blessed in that my life is such that I have no major stressors, constant everyday stress, left to build up can still put a burden on the body. So I have changed things a tad. I thought I would share them with you.

Exercise daily, when I actually use to get my lazy big butt out to exercised daily, I know it really helped with lowering my tension level. I don’t profess to do this enough, but I do know it can make a major impact on the body for the good.

Don’t procrastinate. I listened to a CD (in the car I even multitask) about managing your life, to live it more wisely. It mentioned looking ahead, working ahead. I try to get most projects done now at least 1 month ahead of time… wow, major improvement. Much of my stress had been self induced because I put things off until I had pressure to get them done. And now when something unexpected comes up, I am not such a crazy woman.

Breathing exercises. Most of us under stress no long breath as deeply. Not only does deep breathing relax you it helps clear the mind and emotions. The first few times I suggest doing this where you don’t have to worry if you get dizzy
Sit upright and using your abdominal area, deep through your nose to the count of 8
Hold your breath to the count of 8 (each count being about a second)
Purse your lips and exhale forcefully for the count of 10
Repeat at least 15 times

The soft no, is essential if doing the task will overwhelm you. Also learn that you don’t have to give an excuse. Just say I am so sorry but I can’t. Or I wish I could but I can’t.

Laugh it helps…. Laughter releases endorphins and other chemicals which make you feel better equipped to handle stress when it happens. I heard a speaker name Leo (not sure of his last name, something like Pascal) had it right when he said, “don’t take life so seriously, ‘cause you won’t get out of it alive”. :o)

Eat and Supplement well. Process foods are void of nutrients and tax the body’s energy. Since stress washes out specific nutrients. Omega oils and B complex are helpful for those with no more than every day stress. (B complex caution for those with anxiety and OCD).

Adequate rest is important, so the body can use the nutrients to replenish and repair the nervous system.

Of course avoiding stress if at all possible. But the above tips will help you better handle stress so it doesn’t ravage your health. http://www.MarysHerbs.com

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Digestion Aids

You are what you digest, absorb and utilize…..not just what you eat.

If the foods we eat are void of any kind of nutrients, then even the best digestion or absorption doesn’t do you a whole lot of good.

Our diets should consist 80 % of raw vegetables and raw fruits. Not always easy to do, but is do able.

Old age is caused by poor digestion which leads to demineralization of the body…that is a saying among herbalists. As we get older (35 and over) our digestion starts to falter. As long as we digest well, the aging process will be slowed down dramatically.

In the world of enzymes, THE best overall enzyme is Food enzymes by Nature’s Sunshine. It contains HCL as well as all the enzymes that should be produced by the liver and pancreas. This product accompanied with Probiotic Eleven should provide a firm foundation for digesting a good diet.

According to the directions, you should take it with meals, but if your digestion is really poor you might benefit from taking it 10 min before a meal so the HCL can break it down so it is ready when you eat.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A woman needed major help after she used a denture adhesive to keep in her lower dentures. What a mess her gums where, it was excruciating for her to talk or swallow. I felt so bad for her. They looked swollen, raw and burnt.

Although I didn’t find what to do for her gums online, I found an article on how long term or excessive use of these creams can cause a host of problems.

Most denture adhesives are high in zinc. This minerals can rob copper out of the body, leading to neurological problems, cognitive decline (senility), even been associated with urinary incontinence.

We are just being bombarded with chemicals. So other than spit our teeth across the room when we talk, what do we do?

Getting new dentures when your gums shrink might be expensive, but probably is best.
Second best are liners, and then natural vegetable adhesives which are so much safer than their chemical counterparts.

Preserving your teeth and trying to keep them is THE best suggestion. We have a tooth paste which helps protect the tooth and gums. To make your own toothpaste, go to à http://marysherbs.com/ToothPaste.shtml

The results reported are quite remarkable.

No wonder so many people are becoming sensitive to their environment. All the chemicals we are exposed to combine to make new compounds. Even a slight mixture can be significant.

There is a product called EnviroDetox, helps encourage the body to throw off these chemicals which can be helpful. But I believe avoid as much as you can.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Food Additives

I wonder if these and like ingredients is why so many people are suffering with disease such as arthritis and cancer!

Once my mother was eating walnut ice cream, and I was telling her about how some ice cream contains antifreeze. When I checked the ingredients I was shocked! There were NO walnuts listed… but it contained walnut chunks… or did it? Please read on.

Ingredients of many COMMERCIAL ICE CREAMS:
· Dietheyl Glycol: Used instead of eggs… it is an antifreeze and paint remover
· Ethyl Acetate: Used in place of pineapple… it is a cleaner for leather and textiles
· Piperonal: Used in place of vanilla…it is a lice killer
· Amyl Acetate: Used for banana flavor… an oil paint solvent
· Benzyl Acetate: Used for strawberry flavor… a solvent.

And the source of my mother’s walnuts… Butyraldehyde: Used instead of nuts, it is one of the ingredients of rubber cement.

There are over 3,000 additives that are used in the manufacture of the food we eat. Some estimates of individual consumption are as high as five pounds of chemicals per year!

The department of Consumer Affairs receives many letters and calls from consumers who are concerned about these additives. Even experts cannot agree on the safety of or necessity of all these chemicals.

It is my solemn belief that all chemicals are unnatural and the less we consume the better.